Bulletin No46 mai 2024 The Communist Revolutionary Party, which supports national liberation movements in the decolonization processes, wishes to underline its solidarity with the struggle of the Sahrawi people for the recognition of their independence. To enlighten our readers, we are publishing on our Communistes-Hebdo an interview with Mohamed Ali Zerouali, representative of the Polisario in France.
Bulletin No46 mai 2024 Let’s decipher the language of repression
The proponents of the “apology of terrorism”
The very reactionary weekly “Le Point” , in an article dated May 24, amply cited the facts of the judgment pronounced against Jean-Paul Delescaut, secretary-general of the Union Départementale CGT du Nord, by the criminal court of Lille . clearly sees that these same judges consider that “apology for terrorism” is “a common law offense aimed precisely at fighting terrorism”.
Bulletin No46 mai 2024 One more massacre
Israel again bombed Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, on Sunday May 26. The Palestinians, notably the Red Crescent, present on the scene shortly after the deadly bombing, denounce a massacre caused by the targeting of a center for displaced people.
June 6: commemoration of the Allied landings in Normandy: But who is Zelensky coming to commemorate?
Bulletin No46 mai 2024 June 6 is the high point of the commemorations of the Allied landings in Normandy. Since Nazi Germany's attack on the USSR began on June 21, 1941, most of the war has been fought in the east and it is the USSR which bears the essential weight.