A meeting in Switzerland
The “ Ukraine Peace Summit ” held on June 15 and 16, 2024, in Bürgenstock, Switzerland has ended. Despite the hopes invested by kyiv in the event, only a distorted and inaudible echo of the ideas initially formulated in ten points by Ukrainian President Zelensky, months ago, saw the light of day.
Bulletin No47 juin 2024 The RN party came first in the first round of the early legislative elections with 29.25% of the votes, with its allies from Eric Ciotti's LR the score reached 33.13%. In the first round, 37 RN deputies were elected. The New Popular Front comes in second position with 27.99% of the votes and 32 elected deputies. Together (presidential majority) ranks in 3rd position with 20.04% of the votes, 2 deputies elected. The Republicans come in fourth position with 6.57% of the votes and 1 elected representative.
Bulletin No46 mai 2024 The serious events taking place in Kanaky-New Caledonia are the result of permanent attacks on the inalienable right to self-determination and independence of the Kanak people. We had underlinedin our Hebdo-Communistes No. 869how the bill modifying the composition of the electoral body was a new attack on the fundamental rights of this people [1]
Bulletin No46 mai 2024 The government set fire to the powder in New Caledonia by passing the vote in the National Assembly on the modification of the electorate for the provincial elections, the rapporteur of which is none other than the deputy anti-independence New Caledonian Nicolas Metzdorf (Renaissance of Macron) he is involved and took the opportunity to spread his anti-Kanak speech triggering the revolt movement.