At first glance the policy of the Turkish state seems quite contradictory if not incomprehensible.
Thus, Turkey is an important pillar of NATO in the Mediterranean and according to the newspaper "The times of Israel" the American army stores there around 50 tactical nuclear bombs in Incirlik in the south of Turkey, 110 km from the border with Syria.
At the same time, Turkey is equipping itself with Russian anti-aircraft missiles. In Syria, it plays an active military role by occupying part of Syrian territory and by supporting armed groups which wage war for its benefit against the central Syrian power allied with the Russians. We find Turkey in Libya, very committed to the government of Tripoli against that of Marshal Haftar in the South supported by Russia, the Arab quartet and... France. These commitments have nothing ideological but are all about the will of the Turkish power to impose itself as a regional power by taking part for its capitalist groups in the plundering of the mineral wealth of the region and especially in Syria and Libya and by bargaining with the highest bidder its strategic location in the Mediterranean. Second-tier power compared to those clashing in the Near and Middle East, according to the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), it tries to secure a place into the mesh of the imperialist system:“The pragmatic policy of the AKP, based on daily maneuvers in the meshes of the imperialist system and its oscillations between the imperialist powers, is losing ground. "because adds the TKP: “The country is experiencing an economic crisis, with unprecedented levels of domestic and external debt. Erdoğan tries to restore his political negotiating power by intimidating other countries, such as actions against France in Libya, military actions on Syrian territory or nationalist conflicts against Greece; but it is obvious that this power is far too limited to frighten the great powers or imperialist alliances, the United States, the EU, NATO and others.”
We find the same analysis grid for the president of Geopragma: Caroline Galactéros, who indicates:"Turkey's unique role is akin to that of a true 'American proxy in the region'.While she does not dispute that Ankara enjoys a certain independence from Washington, Turkey's rise in power remains, according to her, " allowed by his American ally in order to counter the Russian influence, a great enemy of NATO. However, Turkish positions and interests too often diverge with those of other alliance partners. This is currently the case with France and the European Union.
In the Eastern Mediterranean, not far from the Libyan coast, France and Turkey, two prominent members of the alliance, opposed each other while claiming to have acted under the NATO banner."
All this brings us back to the basic question: those of the interests of Turkish capitalism. The Turkish big bourgeoisie and its allies need a strong state muzzling the opposition and especially the working class. To do so there is nothing better than the use of religion to cement national unity. Erdoğan’s AKP, which has ruled Turkey for many years and is the expression of Turkish employers, intends to rally the people on this ground. The AKP is not the only one, all the parties representing the factions of the Turkish bourgeoisie are united around this issue. This is what the Communist Party of Turkey recalls about the transformation of Hagia Sophia into a mosque: “The current debate on the transformation of Hagia Sophia into a mosque was reintroduced by İYİP through a proposal to parliament (The Good Party is a fascist type formation), partner of the social-democratic CHP member of the Socialist International and associate member of the European Socialist Party in the parliamentary opposition alliance,...This proposal has received the support of many members of the opposition parties, such as former CHP presidential candidate Muharrem İnce and the current mayors of major cities, who are affiliated with the opposition. It has not been criticized at all by the opposition from the start. On the contrary, some representatives of the opposition, including members of the pro-Kurdish HDP, expressed their enthusiasm to pray under the roof of Hagia Sophia. "
The capitalist class of Turkey uses religion to maintain and consolidate its class domination. Given the deep economic crisis in the country, poverty, unemployment, desperation and the enormous discontent of the workers, the capitalist class is trying to prevent the politicization of the workers from gaining momentum. The Saint Sophia affair is therefore essentially political; it is an affirmation of the will of the Turkish bourgeoisie to impose its dictatorship under the guise of religion, including by calling into question the progressive values of the bourgeois revolution of 1923, namely republicanism, secularism and modernity.
The annexation to Israel of much of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley, currently Palestinian territory controlled by the Israeli military, was a mainstay of the election campaign of Likud, B. Netanyahu's party. With his mate Gantz of the White Blue party, they sealed a government agreement mentioning this annexation.
This annexation plan is sponsored by the United States. It was touted as a "peace plan" but outside of the US and Israel it has not convinced many people.
The Palestinians are against it and they are right; the Arab countries, most of whom have established relations with Israel, although without commitment, do not defend it. The European Union sees in it more disadvantages than advantages and halfheartedly rejects it, by refusing sanctions it keeps to a minimum; China, India and Russia have already expressed their opposition to the plan; finally, the UN recalls that annexation is contrary to international law.
In Israel itself, and well beyond the Communists and the Joint List, voices are being raised, including in the military and security hierarchy, to advise caution and to ensure that the risks involved in such an annexation are understood. Indeed, if "technically" the annexation is relatively easy to settle due to the Israeli military control of these territories, it poses, among other things, the political question of the future of the population concerned. As the Israeli authorities do not intend to grant Israeli nationality to annexed non-Jewish populations, this would openly result in a state of apartheid, a source of exacerbated conflict and the outcome of which would be unpredictable.
While the Israeli government hesitates, has it changed course? The answer is no. The plan to annex all of Palestine is in the founding act of Israel as conceived by the right and left Zionists.
This orientation has resulted in a territorial expansion at the expense of the Palestinian territory in defiance of international agreements and with the unwavering support of the Western imperialist powers, USA in the lead.
This perceptible hesitation simply means that Israeli imperialism is sensitive to pressure and this pressure needs to be increased if the national rights of the Palestinian people are to be finally recognized.
This is so true that Israel’s powerful supporters in France are losing their composure and doing everything they can to turn the Palestinian people's just struggle and support into an act of terrorism. The last translation of this behavior into action comes from Toulouse where responding to a demonstration of the Palestine collective that he could not bear, the president of Midi Pyrénées of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) calls on authorities to demand a ban on demonstrations, even threatening the demonstrators with the use of force against them. The CRIF, which claims to represent the Jews of France, is in reality on marked reactionary positions and cannot claim to represent all the Jews of France, many of whom identify with progressive organizations that fight for a just peace in Palestine.
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered on June 19 at Independence Square in Bamako to demand the removal of Ibrahim Boubacar Keita (IBK). President of the Republic since 2013 he has behind him a long political career. He was Prime Minister from 1994 to 2000 and President of the National Assembly from 2002 to 2007.
The war against Libya from March to October 2011 was a multinational operation under the aegis of the United Nations (Security Council resolution 1973). All operations were carried out under the direction of NATO. France played its part, particularly in the field of air intervention.