Gantry 5


N° 25 juin 2022 "Anyone entering the U.K. illegally as well as those who have arrived illegally since January 1 may now be relocated to Rwanda," Boris Johnson announces in a speech in Kent, south-east of England on April 14.

The declaration naturally arouses indignation and anger as it equates these beings with undesirable goods, as we associate it with human trafficking, which it is. These immigrants have not chosen their condition; they are fleeing the ravages of war, hunger or oppression, all scourges of capitalism; they are fleeing in an attempt to survive. After facing all the obstacles of the exodus to reach their goal they face repression on arrival. They will be sent back 6000 km away in another unknown place fraught with danger. It's unbearable but past the emotion what analysis is to be made of these tragedies?
Yes, the necessity to emigrate is one of the products of the exploitation of man by man. For centuries this search for a better future elsewhere has coincided with the search for abundant and cheap labor by employers who made it a godsend, initiating it if necessary. Colonization is part of this phenomenon. The development of industry in Western countries has been sustained by the presence of this forced workforce. The flow of foreign workers filled the coffers of insatiable employers. Then, economic transformations, crises, and the permanent search for maximum profit changed the situation with the need for untrained labor falling in the countries of immigration and a massive increase in departures from the emigration countries (evolution of capitalism, lower mortality, wars). These populations on the move despite themselves no longer interest Western employers in the primary sense of the term, so the governments in their pay comply by legislating to block migrants who are no longer always exploitable and have become a cost in their eyes. So-called racist policies are rooted in this soil and justify if not morally at least politically legislation that organizes the return of the last migrants. This is what the United Kingdom is doing imitated by Denmark, copying their predecessors in this field, Canada and Australia. It is neither racism nor xenophobia that generates this policy, it is exclusively the workings of multinationals. It is the same logic that leads Rwanda to accept the arrival of these migrants. President Paul Kagame is one of the star pupils of capital, congratulated and shown as an example to other African states by the IMF and all the international organizations of the capitalist order.
As for sordidness, Denmark had already innovated by relocating 300 of its foreign prisoners to Kosovo against an annual rent of 15 million euros "Your future is not in Denmark". It announces that this sum will be allocated to the development of renewable energies. Everything becomes acceptable when painted green.
Moralizing speeches wherever they come from will not put an end to these policies. Only the struggle of the peoples against capitalism will make it possible to demolish this system and build another one: socialism responding to all the needs of the workers and respecting human dignity. This is the goal of the revolutionary party Communistes, join it!