The death on Monday May 25 in Minneapolis of George Floyd, an African-American arrested by the police and murdered in cold blood by suffocation, started legitimate protest demonstrations in the big cities of the United States in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, Memphis …
The weekly "Le Point" has just published an op-ed page signed by more than sixty French MPs and senators from the right, center and left, former heads of government, former ministers, intellectuals like Manuel Valls, Edith Cresson, Anne Hidalgo, Xavier Bertrand, Daniel Cohn-Bendit …
The consequence of the Covid19 pandemic is a sudden slowdown in economic activity worldwide due to the States’ response through the containment of populations. This slowdown affects production, services and world trade.
The European Commission is proposing a so-called “recovery” plan of 750 billion euros. Of this sum borrowed between 2021 and 2024 by issuing Eurobonds on the financial markets 250 billion will be loaned,