Bulletin No 53 decembre 2024 After a year and three months of massacres, ravages, destruction of men and their history (most recently, the Zionists blew up the archaic mausoleum of Simon Peter in Lebanon), we must return to the meaning of the war waged by the Zionist entity and its supporters, capitalists, vehicles of the dominant ideology, lobbies for the Palestinians and those who defend them, because everything agrees to show that this "war", if we can call it that, is certainly not a war like the others; there is no other in the imperialist world that we know, especially for Marxists.
Many people want to deny its specificity. Obviously, there are first all those who present this conflict to us as a war of civilizations with increasingly liberated speech, which does not show their strength, quite the contrary, we will come back to it. Then those who use censorship and keep quiet about the genocide as if it did not exist. We can also cite the increasingly unbearable proponents of shared wrongs, those who will always tell us in passing: "Ah yes, it is serious, but there are the terrorist acts of Hamas" , that is to say the swallowers of Zionist propaganda giving themselves a clear conscience, and putting on the same level a colonized people and its legitimate resistance and a colonialist State and its illegitimate right to permanent aggression and genocide. But there is a last category of people who do not allow us to understand the stakes of what is happening in Gaza. These are those who, taking advantage of a real threat of a third world war, convince themselves or try to persuade us that there would be only one conflict in the world, between the dominant imperialists and the imperialists wanting to increase their share of the cake, and that the Middle East (a term increasingly used to the detriment of Palestine), would be only one of these points of conflict like Ukraine, Sudan, the Sahel or soon Taiwan.
In this article, the Revolutionary Communist Party will oppose these assertions, these presentations of the situation, which all have the same goal: to prevent understanding of the reality and the specificity of the struggle of the Palestinian people and their Resistance. Of course, the fog comes first from Washington and LCI, from the German Greens and the Dutch nationalists of Wilders, but it also comes from Moscow and New Delhi, from Libération and the French parliamentary left, almost in its entirety.
It's a colonial war
We regularly remind you in all our contributions on this subject that the war in Palestine is a colonial war. The Zionists are waging a war of colonial conquest, like France, the United Kingdom or Imperial Germany in the last quarter of the 19th century . This war has been going on since 1948 and its beginnings date back to the beginning of the 20th century when the first European settlers came to settle in Palestine with the firm intention of not mixing with the indigenous populations. It turns out that these migrants were Jewish, but if they had been animists or Shintoists that would not have changed the reality of the problem.
This colonization is special. The goal of the settlers and the Zionist colonial state is not to exploit the indigenous workers, but to drive them out by all means. The case is therefore very specific, a colonization of substitution or settlement, such as occurred in the United States in the 19th century , causing the genocide of the Native Americans. But, if the US settlers were content to use the right of the strongest, with some racist language elements on the "savages", similar to those we know today with the Zionists and their friends, the Zionists also have a " justification ", which they unroll at will. This profession of faith is not limited to the "democracy" that the Zionist apartheid state in the Middle East would represent, that is to say, clearly, the interests of the dominant imperialist power and its vassals. No, there is also a pseudo-historical narrative.
In the 19th century , historians from Eastern Europe and Germany worked to secularize the Bible in order to transform this mythological story into a reliable historical source. The Israeli " New Historians ", a movement in the 1990s that attacked the founding myths of the Zionist state, have studied this question in detail. Among them, Schlomo Sand made a magnificent demonstration, despite probable errors in the dating of the Bible, which seems to be a later writing than he supposed, in his work " How the Jewish People Was Invented ". This provided a tailor-made legend whose first beneficiaries, like Ben-Gurion, were notorious atheists. Ben-Gurion himself summed up the matter well in his sentence: " God does not exist, but he gave us a land. " At this point, the full ambiguity of the term Jew is revealed. It is certainly a religion, but it is neither a people nor a culture, they are peoples and cultures; the Yiddish culture mixed with Slavic and Gypsy has little to do with the Sephardic culture, one of the cultures of Berberia.
Equipped with such a mythical narrative, magically transforming 20th century European emigrants into descendants of ancient Hebrews or Arameans, the Zionists have only one goal: to occupy a territory they call " Greater Israel " starting with the whole of Palestine. At first, it was essentially about driving the Palestinians from their land, hence the 700,000 Palestinian refugees of 1948 and the various scenarios of the Labor governments from 1967 to the 1970s considering deporting inhabitants of Gaza to the Sinai then occupied by the Zionist army. But the Resistance of the Palestinians, their persistent refusal to be dislodged from their homes, has led to a change of priority for the Zionists: " Since they do not want to leave, let's decimate them!" ", this idea germinated well before its total implementation today with the genocide.
All this, when we realize it, becomes perfectly unjustifiable. This is why the Zionists rely on an arsenal of propaganda that exceeds anything that the colonial and imperialist powers, such as the USA via the CIA and their media , have been able to develop. It is the original lie "A people without land for a land without people" , it is the mythological story mentioned above, it is the denial of the existence of the Palestinian people, it is the reversal of roles an aggressor who defends himself and the attacked who are only "terrorists", it is finally the defense of "civilization". Concerning this last concept, as long as we define civilization as the defense of the interests of Western multinationals, we are no longer in a lie. Indeed, it is important not to forget that the destiny of the Zionist state is intrinsically linked to that of the Western imperialist countries, of which it is the " organic extension ", in the words of Georges Abdallah. As early as 1907, the then dominant British had considered the creation of a bridgehead in the Middle East, at their service, in order to ensure the division of the Arab world and the control of the riches of the subsoil, and this, even before it was considered to use the Zionists to do this.
Finally, one aspect of the "civilizing" work of the Zionist entity is systematically hidden, it is the destruction of history on a large scale. When Gaza is razed and its universities, mosques or churches are destroyed, starting with the oldest, Saint Porphyry, dating from the 3rd century, not only are people killed, their memories, their roots are destroyed, we must act as if none of this had existed. It is the same in Lebanon when Phoenician monuments in Tyre, which are nearly 4,000 years old or Roman temples in Baalbek, which are more than 2,000 years old, are destroyed. This is the very principle of the dominants who have no history, they destroy that of others.
So, more than a war, it is a genocide.
What is said above allows us to understand two things. We are not facing a direct imperialist war as in Ukraine or by proxy as in Sudan; nor in the presence of a war where a country defends itself against external aggressions that aim to deprive it of part of its territory as in Congo, Mali or Burkina, but rather facing a colonialist war.
This colonialist war is not a war between military forces from different countries that are fighting each other. A genocide is being committed before our eyes, and everything we have just said to explain why these massacres are taking place means that no one can doubt that this genocide is intentional and is the goal pursued, not only by Netanyahu, but by all Zionists, wherever they are, left, right or far right. Our regular writings regularly document the atrocities of the Zionist army, the targeting of schools, places sheltering refugees, hospitals, health care workers, humanitarian workers, civil protection workers or journalists.
Some recent examples. The occupation army, after targeting it for almost a month, having killed many of its doctors or their families, surrounded the Kamal Adwan hospital, emptied it of its patients, kidnapped all its doctors and staff and then set it on fire. It was the last hospital that was functioning in the north of the Gaza Strip. And now the propaganda of the Zionist entity tells us that Dr. Hossam Abu Safiya, its director, was "arrested" because he is a " Hamas agent ". He was transported to the Sde Teiman prison, the worst death or torture shop known to the Zionist state, and there is much to fear for him, including for his life. An international campaign to demand his release has begun to take place. On the sidelines of this affair, let us note that the directors of Palestinian hospitals are doctors, not technocrats responsible for limiting expenses.
Obviously, the Zionists provide no proof of what they are saying, but why would they? Most of the media and political leaders of the Western imperialist bloc follow them, relay them or let it happen in great silence. Their supporters have an open table in these same media and their speech is freed to a point that was difficult to imagine a year ago. Faced with the reality of the massacres perpetrated by the occupying army, faced with the evidence, there remains a means of defense for the Zionist assassins and their accomplices, it is to assume. To assume and justify. This is what many of the " soldiers " of the genocidal force do by filming themselves in full exaction, scenes of torture, gratuitous assassinations, explosions of buildings, etc. A few weeks ago, on Radio J, a Zionist propaganda outlet, a certain Arié Bensemhoun, director of Elnet France, an Israeli lobby whose influence with our deputies has just been revealed by Mediapart, declared this: " All the doctors, all the journalists, all the humanitarians who live in Gaza are Hamas agents, all of them! " In other words, but Meyer Habib was also able to say it, the target of the Zionists is not the Palestinian Resistance, it is all the Palestinians in Gaza, especially those who allow them to survive or document the genocide. In the field of lies, we are reaching new heights, we are really in the " The bigger it is, the more it goes! "
Every colonial power has its compradors . The comprador bourgeoisie is the one that prefers to serve the capitalists of the colonial state, rather than fight them, even minimally. Obviously, they benefit from it, financially or officially, by being at the head of puppet states or Bantustans. This is the case of the misnamed " Palestinian Authority ", of Mahmoud Abbas and his clique. Not content with having the demonstrations in Ramallah repressed by his cops, the president of the PA sent his special forces to storm the Jenin camp, in the north of the West Bank, with the help of Israeli drones. The Resistance fighters in the camp, including members of Fatah (Mr. Abbas' party) faced the assault, suffered deaths but repelled the attack. The situation today is one of armed peace, but access to the camp is controlled by the Zionists' auxiliaries. After conquering a small kingdom, that of Pontus, Julius Caesar, as he was told that it was very small, retorted: " I prefer to be the first here rather than the second in Rome! " Clearly, it is the opposite for Abbas who prefers to be the second in Ramallah rather than consider an independent Palestinian state.
Axis of Resistance or Inter-imperialist Struggles?
A number of political organizations, some of which claim to be part of the communist movement, tell us that the Third World War has already begun and that it is taking place in several places at once, or at least that we are experiencing a global conflict. This conflict is taking place between the supporters of the " unipolar world " (in other words, for Marxists, the Western imperialist bloc) and those of the " multipolar world " (a rival imperialist bloc, around China and Russia or even the BRICS+ imperialist bloc). In this conflict, the supporters of the global conflict theory tend to lean towards the latter camp, when they do not call them "anti-imperialists". We have written on these issues several times. We recall that Lenin had described imperialism as the current stage of capitalism, with the presence of a financial capital that is gradually replacing the capitalists of industry, services or banks, where everyone has shares everywhere, where the market is complete and in the process of saturation and therefore, to compensate for the downward trend in the rate of profit, it is necessary to eat the other capitalists. There are therefore in this imperialist world conflicts, sometimes armed, between the multinationals and the imperialist states that serve them. Imperialist wars are therefore taking place, as in Ukraine, but Russia, as much as the USA and the EU countries, defends the interests of its own multinationals. The perspective of a multipolar world, for the Revolutionary Communist Party, can in no way replace that of the abolition of capitalism including in China and Russia and that of the advent of socialism. That there are rival imperialist blocs, no one can deny it, but none of them carries the hopes of the peoples or the perspective of exiting capitalism. The governments of the BRICS+ countries follow their own agenda and use their power according to their specific design that has nothing to do with the emancipation of the peoples. This also implies divergences between them; we recently mentioned the ambiguous role of India, which arms Israel.
For the Revolutionary Communist Party, there is no global conflict in which Palestine is only a place of war. The use of the term Middle East as a place of combat, whether by the partisans of the Western imperialists or their rivals, is moreover a decoy allowing to conceal the main question, that of Palestine and the colonial (and not inter-imperialist) nature of the conflict.
This means that there is no Axis of Resistance either. There is clearly collaboration between the resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen, because the goals are similar and the fight is common, if only because their main adversary is today the genocidal colonial state. The Iranian government wanted to be the backbone of this axis, with the support of Russia. But, whatever the will of the Iranian leaders to liberate Palestine, their concerns are above all to defend the interests of their national Bourgeoisie. We had said that the widening of the conflict on a regional scale was an option for the Zionists, in order to further conceal the genocide with the risk of seeing a regional imperialist conflict take precedence over the just struggle for liberation of the Palestinian Resistance.
But there, thanks to the imperialist Erdogan, the Zionists have found something better than regional conflict: the destruction of Syria and the sharing of spoils. The rotting state of Baathist Syria was obvious, but its fall can only be understood as a surrender. However, if Iran has until the end proposed the intervention of troops to defend the regime, something that Bashar El-Assad refused, we are not aware that Russia has done the same. Objectively, Russia has abandoned the Syrian state, organized the departure of the president and is negotiating for its bases, probably with Erdogan, knowing that it is always better to address the Good Lord than his saints. This surrender objectively isolates the Lebanese Resistance, which will have more difficulty in obtaining weapons. It also isolates, to a lesser extent, Iran, Israel's final and permanent target. It allows the complete division of Syria (North-West, West in part and North to Turkey or its mercenaries; North-East to the USA with their Kurdish auxiliaries and South to the Zionist entity). No people will gain from it. We do not know what exactly the puppet mercenaries who are in Damascus control, but we know that there are already exactions, notably against Christians and internal conflicts sometimes armed.
What about the Syrian army that did not fight, that was ordered to leave Aleppo, then Hama, then Homs and open the road to Damascus? It seems that some of them took refuge in Iraq, Maher El-Assad, the brother, would have crossed the border with his entire division, thus avoiding the fate of all the military locations destroyed by the Zionists. It is complicated to verify, but it is difficult to believe that some did not decamp, at least to flee reprisals and join the fighting militias of Iraq, who are their allies.
In any case, the Syrian army has vanished. This brings to mind that verse from Verlaine's Art Poétique " more vague and more soluble in the air ", which fits like a glove to the late Syrian army.
This collapse, always raising questions, is enough in itself to put the concept of the Axis of Resistance on the shelf. Moreover, apart from Qatar, the Gulf monarchies are not happy about the fall of the Baathist regime. On the contrary, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates seem more worried about the fall of Assad than the massacre in Gaza. This is because the emergence of Turkey and mercenaries more or less close to the Muslim Brotherhood does not suit them. But here again, the interest of the people has nothing to do with these conflicts.
So here are the Zionists, militarily defeated in the south of Lebanon, who are " recovering ", firstly thanks to a ceasefire which allows them to occupy positions which they have not conquered and then thanks to their friend Erdogan who allows them to destroy the Syrian armed power and to occupy a large part of the south of Syria, well beyond the Golan, up to 20 km from Damascus, without having to fire a single shot.
Neither Axis of Resistance, nor place of a global conflict, let us look carefully at what is happening essentially in the Middle East is the colonial conflict in Palestine and its consequences for Lebanon.
In conclusion
We see that it is essential not to make a mistake in analyzing the fight, to know that it is a colonial conflict that the Zionist entity can only settle by perpetrating a genocide, and that no one is truly in solidarity with the Palestinians except the workers and the peoples of the world. This solidarity of the workers and the peoples of the world is the only support that the Palestinians of Gaza, victims of the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist colonialists, can hope for. The Revolutionary Communist Party has been, since the beginning, among the supporters of the colonized people against the colonizing state, against the genocide, against the Zionists who want to get rid of them by all means.
The important thing is the continuation and amplification of solidarity struggles, in all their forms.
The Revolutionary Communist Party continues and will continue, tirelessly, to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, as well as free access for humanitarians throughout the Gaza Strip, and the complete withdrawal of the occupation and colonization forces from the enclave. But this will not be enough.
A just peace means the dismantling of the colonies, the return of the refugees and an independent Palestinian state. What prevents such a peace is the existence of a colonial state. The workers of Israel cannot be free if they do not break with Zionism, if they continue to find themselves objectively in the camp of the colonizers. Solidarity with Palestine cannot be satisfied with general phrases about peace. We need a state where all inhabitants enjoy the same rights and can live together, regardless of their origin, in this case, a democratic Palestinian state. Similarly, the national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people does not need compassion, but real political support and actions of internationalist solidarity. And for France, where the Revolutionaries, as elsewhere, must first fight their capitalists, this begins with the political struggle against the support of French imperialism for the Zionist colonial state.
The Revolutionary Communist Party intends to continue to bring together all those who want an immediate ceasefire to end the massacre of Palestinians and who speak out for peace. For us, this means supporting the fundamental demands of the Palestinian national liberation movement, especially after the assassination of one of its leaders: an immediate end to Zionist military aggression, the right of return for refugees and the formation of a Palestinian state on the territory of Mandatory Palestine.