Bulletin No41 Decembre 2023 Reporting the remarks, during his inauguration on December 3, of the Argentine President-elect Milei, we underlined [1] his class program in the service of the interests of the Argentine bourgeoisie linked to imperialism Americans and to the latter himself. With the decrees (Decrees of Urgent Necessity - DNU) of economic deregulation that they propose to implement, it is a declaration of war on the workers and the Argentine people in question. Thus, Javier Milei launched a generalized war plan: mega-devaluation, drastic reduction in public spending, protocol to repress demonstrations and the famous DNU which allows the government to remove hundreds of laws including rights and social conquests. In fact, all the measures announced amount to an enormous transfer of income from the working class and popular sectors to big national and international capital, further accentuating the trends observed under the Peronist government, and also representing a jump in the debt of the State in dollars and therefore an increased dependence on the United States and the international monetary institutions under its domination.
With this decree, Javier Milei seeks to destroy the foundations of labor law and national sovereignty and to guarantee the plunder of the country, transforming it into a semi-colony of the United States. The desire to limit the right to strike for certain areas such as education, transport, health, energy, among others, as well as the modification of public labor law, the arbitrary extension of the trial period included in labor law, the reduction of remuneration, the abolition of overtime payment, ... are a serious attack on labor rights won by the struggles of the working class. According to the Communist Party of Argentina, the application of the DNU “ will put the Argentine working class in conditions of semi-slavery .”
The opening to privatization of public media, the National Agency of Public Laboratories, ARSAT, Aerolíneas Argentinas and public companies in general, is an auction to the highest bidder of the heritage built with the accumulated work generations.
This decree, added to the repressive protocol that accompanies it, is a declaration of war against the workers and the people. It is the violence of the ruling class in all its expressions, so already fearing important social movements and haunted by the movement of the Piqueteros [2] the power decided to ban them. The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, presented on December 14 a protocol with military overtones which purely and simply prohibits demonstrations on the roads and in the streets. This campaign of prohibition and terror did not prevent the mobilization from taking place, with processions marching through the streets of Buenos Aires and in several cities across the country.
Faced with this situation, the question of united action to defeat the DNU, in the streets, in the workplace, in Congress and in the judiciary is on the agenda. As the Communist Party of Argentina states in a recent statement: " For the defense of all sectors attacked by the Milei regime, we are going to the coordination of all struggles, to the general strike and to a great multi-sectoral federal march . Down with the DNU of looting and delivery! ”