N° 29 novembre 2022 Chad: Bloody Repression. Protesters against the dictatorial military regime On Thursday, October 20, 2022, the Chadian population took to the streets en masse to demand an end to the illegitimate and illegal military regime led by Mahamat Deby Kaka, son of the late Chadian dictator Idriss Deby Itno.
Remember that France has imposed this choice since April 21, 2021 and Macron himself has enthroned this new dictator.
The toll of the repression is terrible. More than a hundred dead and injured are the macabre consequence of the violent repression that has befallen the Chadian population. In a statement, the National Coordination of the Union of Forces for Change (UFC): "strongly condemns these crimes perpetrated by the ruling junta against peaceful unarmed citizens and strongly denounces the dynastic succession of the Deby clan sponsored by the France" .
October 20 should have marked the end of the usurpation of power by the junta and the beginning of a democratic process leading to free and transparent elections. But instead, the power in place and its allies have fomented a pseudo inclusive dialogue whose sole objective is to legitimize the illegitimate power of the dolphin of France and perpetuate a dynastic succession in Chad.
THUS, totally liberticidal measures are taken by the dictatorship against the political parties of the opposition and the citizen organizations for the defense of human rights. Illegitimate Prime Minister Saleh Kebzabo declares the suspension of the activities of the political parties involved in the demonstrations as well as a curfew in the capital and
several major cities.
Faced with such a situation which commits France, more is needed than the usual formal condemnations of Western countries. For its part, the UFC calls: "for the implementation of an international commission of inquiry for the purpose of locating the responsibilities of the principals of this terrible repression".
Our Communist Revolutionary Party, which fights imperialism and of course that of France, supports the Chadian people and their democratic organizations in their fight against the dictatorial regime imposed by France.
Brazil: Victory by a short header for candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva against outgoing Jair Bolsonaro
The second round of the presidential election in Brazil took place on Sunday 30 October. If in the first lap LI Lula had taken the lead, the gap with the outgoing was much smaller than expected and it presaged a tight second lap (1) . The results indeed show that this is the case. With a high turnout of 80%, Lula is elected with 50.9% of the vote against 49.1% for Bolsonaro. Between the two rounds, if Lula won 3 million votes, his adversary won 7 million on the basis of a campaign in which he set in motion the entire state apparatus at his service and largely relied on the evangelist church which occupied the land left free, particularly in the Favelas by a Catholic church which no longer wants red bishops, those of the social doctrine of
This very tight result highlights the strong polarization that works Brazilian society, it is coupled with a regional polarization between the south favorable to Bolsonaro and the north to Lula. It also shows that Bolsonaro succeeded in a certain way in federating around him the forces of part of the Brazilian bourgeoisie and of the working classes, while Lula, for his part, brought together a no less heterogeneous popular bloc which includes a part not insignificant of Brazilian employers. This class alliance is not new (2). It is possible to describe it as the search for a certain social peace by means of a certain redistribution to the poorest without affecting the fundamental interests of employers. This policy has its limits, if during Lula's previous presidencies it has enabled 30 million Brazilians to emerge from extreme poverty, for all that and far from it has not reduced inequalities. The presidency of D. Roussel who succeeded Lula was marked by intense social struggles against austerity policies. This situation of discontent opened the door to Bolsonaro's presidency. It is from these lessons that the Brazilian Communist Party decided to present its own candidacy in the first round, to affirm the autonomous action of the working class, but that it does not "With the first round of elections closed, the possibility of presenting an independent proletarian program also ceases. Now the broad masses of the Brazilian people will be forced to choose between two projects, neither of them communist. The PCB is clearly positioning itself in this second turn: by voting for Lula to defeat Bolsonaro. We are absolutely convinced that the depth of the crisis we are experiencing cannot be resolved by seeking to reconcile the interests of the bourgeoisie with those of the workers, as proposed by the candidacy of the Workers' Party " . And he adds:“We know that even in the event of an electoral defeat, Bolsonarism will not disappear from the scene, it will continue to be a political threat to the working class in the years to come, as long as it is not disarmed and crushed. methods of conciliation do not prepare the working class to truly confront the threat of the bourgeois military coup, nor are they capable of putting an end to the economic and political crises that we are going through, to the strengthening of chauvinism and militarism in Brazil and in the The answer to this crisis is the construction of People Power and the implementation of an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist program, a task to which the PCB and our organized and combative militancy will devote themselves at all times in the next period, whatever happens".
In a recent analysis of the situation in the country, the PCB states: "Brazil has gone from a deeply divided social formation to a fracture, that is, it is no longer a deep division between a mass dispossessed and a minority that concentrates more than 74% of the national wealth. It is an intensification of the class struggle that puts face to face the fascist alternative and the survival of a limited democracy, in the midst of "a huge institutional crisis. We have already insisted on the causes that have led us to this situation: the prevarication of the institutions of the Republic, the long period of class conciliation and how much the electoral force of Bolsonarism has been underestimated, preferring theconfront electorally rather than social mobilization" .
If therefore, Lula's victory is appreciated as a failure by Bolsonaro to push forward a dictatorial regime, an appreciation shared by many progressive leaders in Latin America (3) , the fact remains that the danger persists. A foretaste of this is given by the fact that Bolsonaro refuses to endorse Lula's electoral victory and that today his supporters are trying to block the country with roadblocks.
We must therefore expect a fierce battle to recognize the result of the election in Brazil and beyond in the implementation of a policy allowing Brazil to face the serious economic crisis affecting it in a world where the tensions within the imperialist system are exacerbated and can serve as a pretext for all attempts to roll back the social and democratic rights of workers.
Our Communist Revolutionary Party follows closely the developments of the situation in Brazil, it affirms its internationalist class solidarity with our communist comrades of the PCB.
(1) https://www.sitecommunistes.org/index.php/monde/monde/2012-rubrique-internationale-l-union-europeenne-les-droits-de-l-homme-leur-universalite-et-la -geography-brasil-a-hard-class-battle-according-to-the-brasilian-communist-party
(2) https://www.sitecommunistes.org/archives/ch167bresil.html https://www.sitecommunistes. org/archives/ch305bresil.html https://www.sitecommunistes.org/archives/ch417bresil.html
(3)The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, congratulated the newly elected President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and celebrated this great victory in favor of unity, peace and the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean